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Produção Intelectual

Coordenação de grupo de pesquisa externo (1)
2024,Aplicações das equações de campo relativísticas em matéria condensada e astrofísica nuclear, CCET/UFMA
Artigos (69)
2024, Remarks on the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau oscillator in an external magnetic field, ISSN: 02955075
2024, Effect of a critical magnetic field on the control of scalar neutral boson pair production in the context of Lorentz-symmetry violation, ISSN: 02955075
2024, On the electromagnetic interaction and the anomalous term in the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau theory, ISSN: 02955075
2024, Charged scalar bosons in a Bonnor-Melvin-$$arLambda $$ universe at conical approximation, ISSN: 14346052
2023, Comment on -Relativistic quantum oscillator model under the effects of the violation of Lorentz symmetry by an arbitrary fixed vector field- by Ahmed Faizuddin, ISSN: 12864854
2023, Effects of a Uniform Magnetic Field on Twisted Graphene Nanoribbons, ISSN: 15213889
2023, Comment on -Relativistic quantum oscillator model under the effects of the violation of Lorentz symmetry by an arbitrary fixed vector field- by Ahmed Faizuddin, ISSN: 02955075
2022, Non-radial oscillations and global stellar properties of anisotropic compact stars using realistic equations of state, ISSN: 14346052
2022, Aharonov-Bohm-Like Flux Effects on the Landauer Conductance in Graphene Wormholes, ISSN: 00033804
2022, Non-radial oscillations and global stellar properties of anisotropic compact stars using realistic equations of state, ISSN: 14346052
2021, Remarks on Thermodynamic Properties of a Double Ring-Shaped Quantum Dot at Low and High Temperatures, ISSN: 00222291
2020, Scalar bosons with Coulomb potentials in a cosmic string background: scattering and bound states, ISSN: 21905444
2020, Comment on ¿Comment on Linear confinement of a scalar particle in a Gödel-type space-time¿, ISSN: 14346044
2020, Comment on 'Dirac fermions in Som-Raychaudhuri space-time with scalar and vector potential and the energy momentum distributions [Eur. Phys. J. C (2019) 79:541]', ISSN: 14346044
2020, Quantum dynamics of scalar particles in the space-time of a cosmic string in the context of gravity’s rainbow, ISSN: 00034916
2020, Comment on -Chern-Simons theory and atypical Hall conductivity in the Varma phase-, ISSN: 24699950
2020, Gravitational wave signatures of highly magnetized neutron stars, ISSN: 14346044
2019, Comment on -Effective of the q-deformed pseudoscalar magnetic field on the charge carriers in graphene- [J. Math. Phys. 57, 082105 (2016)], ISSN: 00222488
2019, On the 2D Dirac oscillator in the presence of vector and scalar potentials in the cosmic string spacetime in the context of spin and pseudospin symmetries, ISSN: 14346044
2019, Proper treatment of scalar and vector exponential potentials in the Klein-Gordon equation: Scattering and bound states, ISSN: 21905444
2018, Relativistic quantum dynamics of vector bosons in an Aharonov-Bohm potential, ISSN: 17518113
2018, Comment on -Effects of cosmic-string framework on the thermodynamical properties of anharmonic oscillator using the ordinary statistics and the q-deformed superstatistics approaches-, ISSN: 14346044
2017, Solutions of the three-dimensional radial Dirac equation from the Schrödinger equation with one-dimensional Morse potential, ISSN: 03759601
2017, Generalized relativistic harmonic oscillator in minimal length quantum mechanics, ISSN: 17518113
2017, Relativistic quantum dynamics of scalar bosons under a full vector Coulomb interaction, ISSN: 14346044
2017, New solutions of the, ISSN: 00034916
2017, From the nonrelativistic Morse potential to a unified treatment of a large class of bound-state solutions of a modified -dimensional Klein-Gordon equation, ISSN: 00046337
2016, Fermions in the background of mixed vector-scalar-pseudoscalar square potentials, ISSN: 00034916
2016, Noninertial effects on the quantum dynamics of scalar bosons, ISSN: 14346044
2016, Properties of strongly magnetized ultradense matter and their imprints on magnetar pulsations, ISSN: 05562813
2015, Pseudospin and Spin Symmetries in the Dirac Equation for Confining Potentials with the Application to the Coulomb Potential in 1+1 Dimensions, ISSN: 18992358
2015, Pseudospin and spin symmetries in 1+1 dimensions: The case of the Coulomb potential, ISSN: 00034916
2015, Quantum dynamics of a spin-1/2 charged particle in the presence of a magnetic field with scalar and vector couplings, ISSN: 14346044
2015, Quantum dynamics of scalar bosons in a cosmic string background, ISSN: 14346044
2015, Quark matter subject to strong magnetic fields: phase diagram and applications, ISSN: 17426588
2015, Relativistic quantum dynamics of a neutral particle in external electric fields: An approach on effects of spin, ISSN: 00034916
2015, Non-extensive thermodynamics and neutron star properties, ISSN: 14346001
2015, Pseudospin and Spin Symmetries in the Dirac Equation for Confining Potentials with the Application to the Coulomb Potential in 1+1 Dimensions, ISSN: 18992358
2014, Corroborating the equivalence between the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau and the Klein-Gordon and Proca equations, ISSN: 10502947
2014, Hadronic and hybrid stars subject to density-dependent magnetic fields, ISSN: 05562813
2014, Mass radius relation of compact stars in the braneworld, ISSN: 14757516
2014, Quasi-exactly-solvable confining solutions for spin-1 and spin-0 bosons in, ISSN: 00034916
2014, Remarks on the Spin-One Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau Equation in the Presence of Nonminimal Vector Interactions in ( 3 + 1 ) Dimensions, ISSN: 16877357
2014, Repulsive vector interaction in three-flavor magnetized quark and stellar matter, ISSN: 05562813
2014, Unsuitable use of spin and pseudospin symmetries with a pseudoscalar Cornell potential, ISSN: 16741056
2013, Missing solution in a Cornell potential, ISSN: 00034916
2013, Rarita-Schwinger particles under the influence of strong magnetic fields, ISSN: 09543899
2013, Trapping of a particle in a short-range harmonic potential well, ISSN: 02599791
2013, Fermion localization on branes with generalized dynamics, ISSN: 02955075
2012, Relating pseudospin and spin symmetries through chiral transformation with tensor interaction, ISSN: 05562813
2012, An effective singular oscillator for Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau particles with a nonminimal vector coupling: a two-fold degeneracy, ISSN: 17518121
2011, Fermion localization on two-field thick branes, ISSN: 15507998
2011, On the Dirac equation with PT-symmetric potentials in the presence of position-dependent mass, ISSN: 03759601
2011, Spinless bosons embedded in a vector Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau oscillator, ISSN: 03759601
2010, Comment on Wave functions for a Duffin Kemmer Petiau particle in a time-dependent potential [J. Math. Phys. 48, 073515 (2007)], ISSN: 00222488
2010, Confining solutions of massive spin-0 bosons by a linear nonminimal vector coupling in the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau theory, ISSN: 09205632
2010, Effects Due to a Scalar Coupling on the Particle-Antiparticle Production in the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau Theory, ISSN: 00207748
2010, On the Bound-State Spectrum of A Nonrelativistic Particle in the Background of A Short-Ranged Linear Potential, ISSN: 17295254
2010, On the nonminimal vector coupling in the Duffin Kemmer Petiau theory and the confinement of massive bosons by a linear potential, ISSN: 17518113
2010, On the scattering of massive spinless bosons by a nonminimal vector smooth step potential, ISSN: 09205632
2009, Absence of Klein s paradox for massive bosons coupled by nonminimal vector interactions, ISSN: 00084204
2009, Comment on Solutions of the Duffin Kemmer Petiau equation for a pseudoscalar potential step in (1+1) dimensions, ISSN: 00084204
2008, Bound states of bosons and fermions in a mixed vectorâ "scalar coupling with unequal shapes for the potentials, ISSN: 00318949
2008, Inconsistencies of a purported probability current in the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau theory, ISSN: 03759601
2007, Bounded solutions of fermions in the background of mixed vector-scalar Pöschl-Teller-like potentials, ISSN: 02955075
2007, Confinement of spin-0 and spin-1/2 particles in a mixed vectorâ "scalar coupling with unequal shapes for the potentials, ISSN: 00318949
2007, Relativistic confinement of neutral fermions with a trigonometric tangent potential, ISSN: 17518113
2007, Relativistic effects of mixed vector-scalar-pseudoscalar potentials for fermions in 1+1 dimensions, ISSN: 02183013
2007, Unified treatment of mixed vector-scalar screened Coulomb potentials for fermions, ISSN: 02183013
Publicação em eventos (27)
2014, Luis Rafael Benito Castro, Marcelo Dallagnol Alloy, MENEZES, D P, Mass radius relation of compact stars in the braneworld, XXXV Encontro Nacional de Física de Partículas e Campos, Resumo
2013, Luis Rafael Benito Castro, Relating pseudospin and spin symmetries through chiral transformation with tensor interaction, XXXIV Encontro Nacional de Física de Partículas e Campos, Resumo
2012, Luis Rafael Benito Castro, Resonant modes on branes: A simple test, XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Física de Partículas e Campos, Resumo
2011, Luis Rafael Benito Castro, de Castro, A.S., A note on the equivalence between the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau and the Klein-Gordon and Proca equations, Encontro de Física 2011, Resumo
2011, , Fermion localization on branes with generalized dynamics, Fifth International Workshop on Astronomy and Relativistic Astrophysics (IWARA 2011),
2010, Luis Rafael Benito Castro, Antonio Soares de Castro, An extended Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau oscillator, XXXI Encontro Nacional de Física de Partículas e Campos, Resumo
2009, , Exact solution of the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau equation in Robertson-Walker space-times, 4th International Workshop on Astronomy and Relativistic Astrophysics (IWARA 2009),
2009, , Absence of Klein´s paradox for massive spinless bosons coupled by a nonminimal vector interaction, Fifth International School on Field Theory and Gravitation,
2009, Luis Rafael Benito Castro, de Castro, A.S., The central field problem for massive spinless bosons coupled by a nonminimal vector interaction, XXX Encontro Nacional de Física de Partículas e Campos, Resumo
2009, , Solution of the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau equation for massive spinless bosons with nonminimal vector smooth step potential, Light-Cone 2009: Relativistic Hadronic and Particle Physics,
2008, Luis Rafael Benito Castro, Tatiana R. Cardoso, Antonio Soares de Castro, On the equivalence between the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau equation and the Klein-Gordon and Proca equations: The case of an alleged probability current, XXIX Encontro Nacional de Física de Partículas e Campos, Resumo
2007, Luis Rafael Benito Castro, Antonio Soares de Castro, Unified treatment of mixed vector-scalar screened Coulomb potentials for fermions, X Hadron Physics, Resumo
2007, Luis Rafael Benito Castro, Antonio Soares de Castro, Marcelo Batista Hott, Relativistic effects of mixed vector-scalar-pseudoscalar potentials for fermions in 1+1 dimensions, X Hadron Physics, Resumo
2007, Luis Rafael Benito Castro, Antonio Soares de Castro, Pedro Alberto, Relating pseudospin and spin symmetries through charge conjugation and chiral transformations: The case of the Coulomb potencial, XXVIII Encontro Nacional de Física de Partículas e Campos, Resumo
2006, Luis Rafael Benito Castro, Antonio Soares de Castro, Estados ligados em mecânica quântica relativística, XXIX Congreso Paulo Leal Ferreira de Fisica, Resumo
2006, Luis Rafael Benito Castro, Antonio Soares de Castro, Isospectral potentials for the Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations in (1+1) dimensions, XXVII Encontro Nacional de Física de Partículas e Campos, Resumo
2006, Luis Rafael Benito Castro, Antonio Soares de Castro, Marcelo Batista Hott, Estados ligados de férmions em potenciais escalar e vetorial do tipo Pöschl-Teller, XXVII Encontro Nacional de Física de Partículas e Campos, Resumo
2006, Luis Rafael Benito Castro, Antonio Soares de Castro, Estados ligados en mecánica cuántica relativista, Topicos de Física Experimental y Teórica, Trabalho Completo
2006, Luis Rafael Benito Castro, Rafael de Lima Roddrigues, Jorge Abel Espichan Carrillo, New class of isospectral potentials from Sine-Gordon potential, XXIV Encontro de Físicos do Norte e Nordeste, Resumo
2005, Luis Rafael Benito Castro, Antonio Soares de Castro, Confinement of neutral fermions with a tan(gx) potential., XXVI Encontro Nacional de Física de Partículas e Campos, Resumo
2004, Luis Rafael Benito Castro, Jorge Abel Espichan Carrillo, Solitones en un sistema sin vacio., V Encuentro Internacional de Físicos en la Region Inka, Trabalho Completo
2004, Luis Rafael Benito Castro, J. Fernando Marquez Pachas, Evaluación de la dosis absorbida, capa semirreductora y del rendimiento en equipos de rayos X diagnósticos., III Iberian Latin American and Caribbean Regional Congress of Medical Physics and the IX Brazilian Congress of Medical Physics, Resumo Expandido
2004, Luis Rafael Benito Castro, Jorge Abel Espichan Carrillo, Estabilidad del soliton en sistemas de dos campos escalares reales., VIII Simposio Nacional de Estudiantes de Fisica, Trabalho Completo
2004, Luis Rafael Benito Castro, J. Fernando Marquez Pachas, Evaluación de la dosis absorbida, capa semirreductora y del rendimiento en equipos de rayos X diagnósticos., V Encuentro Internacional de Fisicos en la Region Inka, Trabalho Completo
2003, Luis Rafael Benito Castro, Jorge Abel Espichan Carrillo, Defectos topológicos en sistemas de dos campos escalares reales., VII Simposio Nacional de Estudiantes de Fisica, Trabalho Completo
2002, Luis Rafael Benito Castro, Jorge Abel Espichan Carrillo, Teoria cuantica de campos por soluciones clásicas estáticas., VI Simposio Nacional de Estudiantes de Física, Trabalho Completo
2001, Luis Rafael Benito Castro, Aplicaciones físicas de los métodos numéricos., V Simposio Nacional de Estudiantes de Física, Trabalho Completo
Participações em Bancas de Cursos (29)
2024, Tese Doutorado Estudo do efeito da rotacao e campos eletromagneticos na mecanica quantica do eletron e suas implicacoes nas propriedades opticas., DANIEL FRANCA LIMA
2024, Tese Doutorado Estudo teorico dos fermions de Dirac sem massa em uma fita de grafeno com geometria helicoidal, CAMILA CORREIA SOARES LINHARES
2024, Dissertação de Mestrado Restricoes na inclinacao da materia simetrica nuclear atraves de observaveis em estrelas de neutrons. , VICTOR BRUNO TEIXEIRA ALVES
2023, Dissertação de Mestrado Oscilacoes de Estrelas de Neutrons: O modo fundamental, VICTOR BRUNO TEIXEIRA ALVES
2022, Tese Doutorado Oscilacoes nao radiais e propriedades estelares globais de estrelas compactas anisotropicas usando equacoes de estado realisticas., ELVIS JOHEL AQUINO CURI
2022, Monografia de Graduação Aspectos classicos de eletrodinamicas modificadas, RONALD DE ARAUJO PEREIRA
2022, Monografia de Graduação Quebra da simetria de Lorentz na mecanica classica, IONARA JULIA DE SOUSA GOMES
2020, Dissertação de Mestrado Espalhamento quantico nao relativistico no espaco tempo de uma corda cosmica, JOSE DO NASCIMENTO LINHARES
2020, Qualificação de Mestrado Espalhamento quantico nao relativistico no espaco tempo de uma corda cosmica, JOSE DO NASCIMENTO LINHARES
2020, Qualificação de Mestrado Espalhamento quantico nao relativistico no espaco tempo de uma corda cosmica, JOSE DO NASCIMENTO LINHARES
2019, Dissertação de Mestrado Dinamica de solitons vetoriais em condensados de Bose-Einstein com interacao spin-orbita., CESAR ANTONIO IBAÑEZ FLORIAN
2019, Qualificação de Mestrado Dinamica de ondas localizadas em condensados de Bose-Einstein com interacao spin-orbita, CESAR ANTONIO IBAÑEZ FLORIAN
2018, Dissertação de Mestrado Dinamica quantica de um oscilador de Dirac bidimensional na presenca de potenciais vetorial e escalar no espaco-tempo da corda cosmica: contexto das simetrias de spin e pseudo-spin., DANIEL FRANCA LIMA
2018, Qualificação de Mestrado Dinamica quantica de um oscilador de Dirac bidimensional na presenca de potenciais vetorial e escalar no espaco-tempo da corda cosmica: contexto das simetrias de spin e pseudo-spin., DANIEL FRANCA LIMA
2018, Monografia de Graduação Oscilador Harmonico Supersimetrico e a Supersimetria na Mecanica Quantica, WELLINGTON LUIZ DOS SANTOS ARAUJO
2017, Monografia de Graduação Estrelas de neutrons: um estudo preliminar, KAYMAN JHOSEF CARVALHO GONCALVES
2017, Monografia de Graduação Estudo das estrelas de netrons anisotropicas, JOEL ANDERSON FERREIRA PINHEIRO
2017, Dissertação de Mestrado Espalhamento quantico unidimensional via mecanica quantica supersimetrica, CAMILA CORREIA SOARES
2017, Qualificação de Mestrado Espalhamento quantico unidimensional via mecanica quantica supersimetrica, CAMILA CORREIA SOARES
2017, Qualificação de Mestrado Espalhamento quantico unidimensional via mecanica quantica supersimetrica, CAMILA CORREIA SOARES
2017, Dissertação de Mestrado Fermions em uma parede de Bloch, ELVIS JOHEL AQUINO CURI
2016, Tese Doutorado Solucoes auto-duais no modelo padrao estendido e em modelos generalizados, GUILLERMO LAZAR MENTECH
2016, Qualificação de Mestrado Fermions em uma parede de Bloch, ELVIS JOHEL AQUINO CURI
2016, Qualificação de Mestrado Fermions em uma parede de Bloch, ELVIS JOHEL AQUINO CURI
2016, Dissertação de Mestrado Estudo de colisoes kink-antikink e Espalhamento por contorno., FRED JORGE CARVALHO LIMA
2016, Dissertação de Mestrado Quantizacao de Landau, Magnetizacao e correntes persistentes em um anel bidimensional no espaco curvo, LUIS FERNANDO CARVALHO PEREIRA
2016, Qualificação de Mestrado Quantizacao de Landau, Magnetizacao e correntes persistentes em um anel bidimensional no espaco curvo, LUIS FERNANDO CARVALHO PEREIRA
2016, Dissertação de Mestrado O oscilador de Klein-Gordon (2+1)-D sujeito a interacoes externas, FRANCISCO ALVES DA CRUZ NETO
2016, Qualificação de Mestrado oscilador de Klein-Gordon (2+1)-D sujeito a interacoes externas, FRANCISCO ALVES DA CRUZ NETO
Trabalho de conclusão de curso (3)
Estrelas de Nêutrons: Um Estudo Preliminar, KAYMAN JHOSEF CARVALHO GONCALVES , 07/2017
Estudo sobre estrelas de nêutrons anisotrópicas, JOEL ANDERSON FERREIRA PINHEIRO , 07/2017
Oscilador Harmônico Supersimétrico e a Supersimetria na Mecânica Quântica, WELLINGTON LUIZ DOS SANTOS ARAUJO , 02/2018
Orientação em pós-graduação (10)
Doutorado, CAMILA CORREIA SOARES LINHARES, 04/2017 - 03/2018 , Orientação em Andamento
Doutorado, CAMILA CORREIA SOARES LINHARES, 01/2023 - , Concluída em 03/2024
Doutorado, ELVIS JOHEL AQUINO CURI, 04/2017 - , Concluída em 07/2022
Mestrado, ELVIS JOHEL AQUINO CURI, 03/2015 - , Concluída em 01/2017
Mestrado, DANILO DOS SANTOS FERREIRA, 05/2024 - , Orientação em Andamento
Mestrado, CESAR ANTONIO IBAÑEZ FLORIAN, 08/2017 - 03/2019 , Orientação em Andamento
Mestrado, CESAR ANTONIO IBAÑEZ FLORIAN, 08/2017 - , Concluída em 03/2019
Mestrado, ANDRÉ FELIPE ALENCAR NERVAL, 09/2023 - , Orientação em Andamento
Mestrado, CAMILA CORREIA SOARES LINHARES, 09/2015 - , Concluída em 02/2017
Mestrado, ANDRES GUISEPPE JIRON VICENTE, 09/2017 - , Concluída em 07/2019
fim do conteúdo