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Inscrições abertas para disciplina Optativa " USO DE ANIMAIS NA PESQUISA: UMA ABORDAGEM TEÓRICO-PRÁTICA " - fevereiro 2020

2020-01-17 14:56:48.588

O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde do Adulto - PPGSAD - Mestrado Acadêmico, informa que as inscrições estão abertas para alunos regulares e especiais na disciplina optativa  " USO DE ANIMAIS NA PESQUISA: UMA ABORDAGEM TEÓRICO-PRÁTICA ", no período de: 03 a 14 de fevereiro de 2020 de 14 à 17h30.

Professores  :

Prof. Doutor Rui M. Gil da Costa (UFMA)

Prof. Doutora Haissa O. Brito (UFMA)

Prof. Doutora Maria do Socorro Cartágenes (UFMA)

Prof. Doutor Rafael Carvalho (UFMA)

Carga Horária: 30 horas - 02 créditos

Local: Centro de Pesquisa do CCBS - Cidade Universitária - Bacanga / São Luis


To address theoretic and practical notions on the use of laboratory animals (mainly rats and mice), focusing on PPGSAD research lines, namely oncology, cardiovascular pathology, chronic and degenerative diseases and infectious diseases. Pharmacological, toxicological and physiopathological approaches will be covered, including general notions of neuroimunoendocrinology. Ethical concerns regarding the use of laboratory animals will be emphasized.


Most classes will take place at the CCBS Post-Graduation building. However, the practical microscopy class will take place at the histology laboratory, and the class on animal models of cancer at the webconference room in the University Hospital.

Main topics

-Laboratory animals, species, strains and their applications.

-Handling and housing of laboratory animals.

-Biology and well-being of laboratory animals; ethics in laboratory animal science.

-Experimental design; experimental procedures; optimizing possible outputs.

-Chronic and degenerative pathologies including inflammatory and and menopause-related conditions,

-Models for studying neurosciences including neuroimunoendocrinology.

-Animal models of cancer.

-Translational medicine, biomaterials, pharmacology and toxicology.


Students will be required to study and publicly present a research paper pertinent for the discipline, selected by the discipline's coordinator. Grades will be attributed on the basis of the presentation's thoroughness, scientific rigor and communication efficacy.



Class 1


Presentation and introduction to the discipline. Objectives, methods and evaluation.

Laboratory animals, species, strains and their applications. Matching discipline topics with specific student's research interests.

Rui Gil da Costa


Class 2


Chronic and degenerative pathologies.


M. Socorro Cartágenes


Class 3


Experimental design; experimental procedures; optimizing possible outputs.


Rui Gil da Costa


Class 4


Biomaterials, stem cells.


Rui Gil da Costa


Class 5


Models for studying neuroimunoendocrinology.


Haissa O. Brito


Class 6

10/02/2020 (this class will take place at the University Hospital)

Animal models of cancer. Prostate cancer models.


Rui Gil da Costa and Paula Oliveira


Class 7


Practical class: histological analysis of mouse and rat tissue (Hematoxylin-eosin).

Rui Gil da Costa


Class 8


Translational medicine, pharmacology and toxicology.


Rui Gil da Costa


Class 9


Handling and housing of laboratory animals. Alternatives to animal models.

Biology and well-being of laboratory animals; ethics in laboratory animal science.

Rafael Carvalho


Class 10



Self-evaluation and discussion of the discipline's main topics.

Rui Gil da Costa



ANDRADE, A., PINTO, SC., and OLIVEIRA, RS., orgs. Animais de Laboratório: criação e experimentação [online]. Rio de Janeiro: Editora FIOCRUZ, 2006. 388 p.;


ALCOCK, John. Comportamento animal: uma abordagem evolutiva. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2011.;


BRASIL. Procedimentos para o uso científico de animais. Lei nº 11.794, de 8 de outubro de 2008.;


GOMES, D. 2010. A legislação brasileira e a proteção aos animais. Disponível em: https://www.direitonet.com.br/artigos/exibir/5595/A-legislacao-brasileira-e-a-protecao-aos-animais;


GONYOU, H. W. Why the study of animal behavior is associated with the animal welfare issue. Journal of Animal Science, v. 72, p. 2171-2177, 2008.


Conn P.M. Sourcebook of models for Biomedical Research. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press, 2008.


Para aluno Especial

Valor da inscrição: R$ 110,00    


Confirme  por favor sua inscrição na disciplina oferecida por email : ppgsad@ufma.br

Contato: 3272-9520 / 9521



Coordenação do PPGSAD

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