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2017-01-23 15:45:02.034

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA: 09/02/2017
HORA: 09:30
LOCAL: Auditório PPGCA
TÍTULO: Mathematical modeling of soil diversity indices under different uses and managements
PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Edaphic Arthropods, Soil Quality, Soil Invertebrates.
GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Agrárias
ÁREA: Zootecnia
RESUMO: The soil is a habitat of a series of living organisms that perform essential functions to ecosystem. This study aimed to determine the edaphic diversity in large groups under different use and management of soil in Cerrado biome. The study was conducted in the municipality of Mata Roma (3º 70’ 80.88’’ S e 43º 18’ 71.27’’ W), in the Eastern region of Maranhão state, Brazil. It were set up 130 pitfall in five areas under different managements (millet, soybean, corn, eucalyptus and pasture) and two reference areas with natural vegetation and different uses (anthropic Cerrado and preserved Cerrado). The traps remained in the field for a period of seven days, after that, the content from each trap was placed in plastic pots and taken to the laboratory where they were screened and identified in large groups (orders and family). After identification, the biodiversity indexes were determined: (Shannon index, Pielou, medium and total richness and total abundance). The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multivariate techniques using the groups dissimilarities. It were collected 20,995 arthropods in all the study. The highest abundance was found for pearl millet (9,974 individuals), and the lowest values corresponded to soybean (222) and corn (824). The highest biodiversity index corresponded to the area with soybean (2.69). Although have presented lower abundance, the groups in this area are evenly distributed due to the homogeneous management in the area of study. The main axis of principal components analysis (PCA) explained 50.9% of the correlation between the groups and the areas sampled. The dendrogram showed that the soybean and corn area are similar and isolated the millet area as the most dissimilar in relation to the others. The use and soil management in the studied areas determine the occurrence of soil arthropods depending on food availability.
Externo ao Programa - 2250326 - EDMILSON IGOR BERNARDO ALMEIDA
Interno - 1636436 - FRANCIROSE SHIGAKI
Presidente - 2145957 - GLECIO MACHADO SIQUEIRA

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